- Writ petitions
- Public interest litigations
- Special Leave Petitions
- Transfer petitions
- Election Matters
- governance
- policy matters
Effective crafting of innovative legal interpretations
The Constitution of India, 1950, is the Supreme law of the country and is an instrument which governs the nation. It lays down the basic fundamental and political principles, institutes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and outlines the fundamental rights and duties of citizens.
The Constitution guarantees all citizens thier fundamental rights as well as protects them from any unreasonable, arbitrary or unjust actions resulting from the laws or directions of executive/legislature.
Accordingly, legal redressals are also routinely sought by citizens before the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India against infringement of their rights.
Legal actions under the Constitution are generally technical in nature and to a large extent depend upon judicial precedents.
We formulate legal arguments by adapting to the developing and advancing constitutional and policy amendments.
We dwell into analysis and implications of legislative changes and offer advice in and drafting of Writs of Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Quo Warranto, Certiorari and Prohibition along with providing policy advisory and Public Interest Litigation issues directly linked to Constitutional ethos.